About Delta Child & Youth

Who we are

Delta Child and Youth Committee (CYC) is a community collaboration table in Delta, BC. It has been active since the early 1980’s. 

The table is well attended by representatives from the municipality, school district, ministries, health authorities, and local non-profits. 

Our partners include government, non-profits and other organizations that work with children, youth and families.

How we work 

The CYC has a 5-year Strategic Action Plan 2024-2029 with strategic directions that are grounded in and connected to the community of Delta. We work in collaboration with Delta non-profit agencies and public partners to action identified annual community-based priorities.  

What we do 

Specific Activities 2023 and Future Plans 2024 

Internal Priorities 

  1. Created and posted all CYC-related documents on a shared platform for easy access. 
  2. Implemented the new CYC structure, including the Steering Committee, Collaborative, and action teams. 
  3. Finalized the new CYC Vision, Mission, Goals, Guiding Principles, and Terms of Reference. 
  4. Developed CYC evaluation activities. 
  5. Formulated a new 2024-2029 Strategic Plan with the theme “Stronger Together.” 
  6. Finalized the Environmental Scan. 
  7. Operationalized the new CYC structures, including the development of three action team workplans. 
  8. Developed an annual CYC Facilitator workplan. 

CYC Action Team Recent Accomplishments

  1. Secured a $61,000 Community Services Recovery Fund Federal Grant to redesign and expand the youth website. 
  2. Conducted a DEI workshop facilitated by the City of Delta’s DEI coordinator. 
  3. Continued editing social media materials to support the StoryWalk®. 
  4. Met with and oriented new CYC liaison and members. 
  5. Created a CYC presentation. 
  1. Awarded a Civil Forfeiture grant for an environmental scan and engagement of vulnerable youth. 
  2. Supported planning, development, and engagement of Youth Week activities. 
  3. Researched funding opportunities for a youth hub. 
  4. Gathered youth-related data using various methodologies. 
  1. Coordinated Zoom ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions to share information about community resources and child care gaps. 
  2. Presented to City Council on the child care landscape. 
  3. Created and promoted a new child care assessment and inventory. 
  1. Organized a Valentine’s Day Event. 
  2. Conducted community feedback surveys and created a multilingual PDF for families with newborns. 
  • Redevelop and redesign the website. 
  • Coordinate a two-day research presentation event. 
  • Meet with and present to the new Minister of Education and Child Care Minister. 
  • Support the May 2024 Child Care Appreciation event. 
  • Collaborate with the City and provincial initiatives to promote Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity. 
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